Elegant Metal Cuff Workshop
In this 2-session class you will make a copper (or brass or sterling silver) cuff with an elegant “fold” in the metal forming a graceful raised line (or 2 or 3…) that will add panache to any outfit. The cuff may be anywhere from half an inch to 3 inches wide and be finished with various patinas. Patina is the color of the metal and you can choose a patina from antique, dark brown/black, shiny, dull or satin copper or combinations of any of these (see the samples pictured here).
You will learn to use all the tools and techniques to enable you to make this beautiful bracelet and the use of all tools as well as the copper or brass for the bracelet is included in the price of the workshop (sterling silver is additional – please see below).
Studio E.Y.E. (it stands for Express Yourself Endlessly) is a large, well-lit and airy space with high ceilings and lots of room. Everyone has their own bench with individual sets of tools and task lighting. There are other tools galore and everyone is invited to experiment with tools to add texture and various details to their bracelet if desired.
Enrollment is limited to 10 participants so early registration is advised.
Dates – January 23&24
Daytime workshop – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Evening workshop – 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Cost - $65 (for copper or brass cuff). Sterling silver cuff will be $65 for the workshop plus the silver. Depending on the size and the market price of silver at the time of the workshop. For example – the sterling silver for a 1” bracelet would cost (as of this writing) $35.00, and $18.00 per each ½” of width up to 3”.